We are in Guatemala this week visiting our adoptive daughter. While this adoption has dragged on longer than any of us could have imagined, her having been referred to us 3 years ago, it is always a joy to be here and spend time with her. At 3 she is a joy to be around as I've forgotten how much fun a 3 year-old is. Gustavo at 9 is a whole different kind of child and while also a joy it is a different type of Joy. She (Dulce Maria) has a joy of everything, of the simplest touch or interaction. Gustavo has a joy of learning, testing his limits and discovering things for himself. I love the contrast and Gustavo loves being a big brother. More on that posts to come.
Now on to the purpose of this entry.
Above is my humble submission for this variation. The time we wait for Dulce to arrive is the most anxious of these visit trips. This picture is one of Gustavo attempting to console his mother, ensuring her Dulce will be with us soon. Not to mention, he loves to hug; hence the variation's name.
When I travel in Central and South America I make it a habit to only bring my G11 and a little bit of strobist lighting equip. This allows me to stay under the thieving radar and still get some good pics. The biggest drawback to this setup, especially for someone used to shooting with full frame DSLRs is the noise I get at what I consider to be low ISOs. This is why the above is in B&W. At ISO 800 there was too much noise to make a color version look tack sharp the way I wanted it. However, in B&W the rendition is soft and contrasty, just as I wanted.
I'm very pleased with the outcome, what about you, I want to hear your thoughts. Does this picture work as a B&W?
Anyway, stay tuned, more variations will come from this trip.
As always go to the Flickr set for all project pictures by Clicking Here. You can also find a full explanation of the project along with an index of the shots by Clicking Here.
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