Saturday, May 22, 2010

52 Variations - Variation Twenty


52 Variations - Variation Twenty - Pull...Pull

Late again...what can I say, work has been a killer lately.

Originally planning to do a crafted shoot, I came across the opportunity to take some shots of a Tug of War contest at my son's Cub Scout meeting.  Not only were the Scouts victorious but the event provided great fodder for capturing another side (variation) of Gustavo.

Pulling as hard as possible, giving it his all, he was determined to win.  The title comes from this determination as all I heard him say was "pull...pull", driving himself to keep at it.  This determination paid off with a win, but is impressive for other reasons.  It shows his focus on a goal, the goal of doing his part, of being part of the greater entity which is his Cub Pack.  It is so the essence of my son, always focused on the greater need/good.  I could not be more proud.

Enjoy this moment with me and have a great week everyone.


As always go to the Flickr set for all project pictures by Clicking Here. You can also find a full explanation of the project along with an index of the shots by Clicking Here.